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Choosing an electric pallet truck can be a challenge due to the wide variety of options available on the market. However, by following these tips, you can find the perfect

Desde el pr贸ximo 31 de Mayo hasta el 3 de Junio, podr茅is encontrarnos en CeMAT 2016, una feria de intralog铆stica referencia a nivel mundial, celebrada en Hannover (Alemania).
As you might have already realized, we have a NEW WEB!! We have given it the makeover it deserved and it shows now much more modern and up to date.
El pasado 5 de enero, aprovechando la presentaci贸n de su nuevo jugador Rowell Anton Graham-Bell en rueda de prensa, el club de baloncesto vallisoletano anunci贸 nuestra incorporaci贸n como patrocinadores.